It all started early last week. I decided to look through my cross stitch stash and reassess my situation. There's something completely wonderful about sitting on the floor, surrounded by a guilty pleasure. As I thumbed through my charts I found an old kit that I bought early on in my x-stitch life but never stitched - Home is Where Ever We Roam...
Of course that got me thinking of traveling and camping, all those things that get pushed aside with your typical 9-5 job. When I drove to work the next day I took an extra long look at the RV dealer's lot that I always pass. They mostly carry these huge monstrosities that are just yachts on wheels; however, they also have a few R-POD trailers - smaller, rounded campers, much better for a couple of D.I.N.Ks like us. Normally we're tent campers but a few years ago we got a French Bulldog who is not tolerant of heat/cold at all - not to mention he's extremely obnoxious :) So tent camping doesn't work so well for us anymore.
When I got to work I looked up the r-pod. They have all the makings of a typical camper - kitchen, bathroom, bed, pop-outs. Still too much for us, not to mention the price! All I really wanted was a bed, simple kitchen area, and an air conditioned enclosure for the pup. My boss saw what I was looking at (oops) and told me that those type of campers were called teardrops. Teardrops? How cute!
Needless to say, I googled teardrop trailers and found
Big Woody Campers. My world was changed forever. When I got home from work I showed my boyfriend, Jeremy, the trailers. He was equally as excited and decided that instead of saving up money to buy one, he'd just go ahead and make the darn thing. And I haven't stopped day dreaming since!