This gathering happened almost 2 months ago now and was our teardrop's maiden voyage. Normally I post pictures right away but... I didn't take any. "Why?", you might ask. The reason for this is that it
rained almost our entire trip, save the ride to and from the campground. Wait, the word "rained" seems a little tame. Torrential downpour is a little more appropriate. It rained so much that now the campground is affectionately known by those that attended as Drench Creek.
The first night there was a good fire. My cousins came to visit so we hung back from the group a little. It's a good thing because the group was feeling frisky after being indoors all winter and was ready to get rowdy. Park rangers came buy quite a few times.

After that we were all about hunkering down and braving the storm. Apparently there were tornado warnings all around the state of Pennsylvania that day. The weather got so bad that some Tear Jerkers decided to head home early. Campsites were flooded, easy-ups blew away, tent poles snapped. Not to forget, it was about 40 degrees.
Paul still had a good time :)

And here is the lovely crown of feathers and Peeps for the winner of the chicken wing cook-off. Congrats to Wayne for winning the Throwdown and Orville for coming in a close second.

People came in all different levels of preparedness. Wayne had his smoke house.

Jeremy and I had the Woodland Shelter and a tarp (they did the trick though!)

On Saturday night, Jenn blessed the wings for the cook-off and she, Lew, and Rose gave all of the wings the an official tasting.

Wayne was the big winner...

Sunday morning was all about drying off and packing up.

As you can see, we made the best out of our soaked situation. You can't say Tear Jerkers don't know how to have fun!
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