The last coats of varnish have dried on the trim ring and door. Finally!

Mosquitoes kept landing in the varnish on the door, which was odd because this hadn't happened before. Not one mosquito the entire time we were varnishing our
huge first side. Weird. Maybe next time we'll use a fan to blow them out of the way.

This weekend we flipped over our first finished side and began work on the inside of the panel. We set it up on
painters pyramids so the finished side doesn't get scratched. Jeremy sanded it out nice and smooth.

When Jeremy originally painted the outside of the panel he taped the unfinished side so when the varnish ran over the edges it wouldn't bleed. The varnish that ran over pooled on the tape so I cut it off with an xacto knife and Jeremy sanded that out too.

Then he stained it white. Everything covered really nicely. You can tell that the trim ring and the side panel are two different colors. Believe it or not the trim ring started out this white color as well. After sanding and many coats of varnish the color dulled into this "sand" color, as I like to call it. The white definitely changed the color of the wood but isn't as striking anymore as when it is first applied.

Jeremy and I both
love it. Next is sanding seal and a first coat of varnish! Stay tuned!
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