We had our second Chesapeake Bay gathering this past weekend and it was a blast.
It was at the Milburn Landing section of Pocomoke River State Park - soooo beautiful.
Late morning on Saturday we went for a paddle down the river...
Wayne made Rose and Orville an award for Best Captain and First Mate.
Orville picked up a bushel of oysters so thems that liked 'em ate well that night. Orville shucked all evening long.
The drinks flowed freely...
The Mooneys even brought a pinata for Jeremy's birthday. The little girls got their turns first.
Orville made a call to the Mountaineer (West Virginia) Chapter director to see how their first gathering was going.
The night went on with more oysters, music, and various other adult beverages :)
Eventually the rowdies went to bed and when we got up in the morning it was time to go. Jeremy and I will definitely go back to Pocomoke on our own. How could you not with a view like this??
Thanks to Louella, Wayne, Orville and Rose for some of these great photos! See y'all in the Spring!!
Work is being done on the teardrop again! It's been a little while because we needed to buy more tack cloths before we got on with the staining and varnishing... and then the surf got good... and then my brother came to visit... Need I go on?
But this weekend Jeremy stained the trim ring and door to match the side we already finished. The sanding sealer is on and one coat of varnish too. Only 6 more to go! :)
I also started working on a new cross stitch - this time for the galley. It's the fishy one... All You Can Eat. Fitting I think :) I'll post the finished project later down the line. (If you're interested in seeing my work in progress, head over to my other blog, Kate + Ice Cream.)
We're also packing for our next camping adventure... next weekend! Pocomoke River State Park with the Tear Jerkers. We'll post pictures!
I'm Kate. I live and work on Maryland's Eastern Shore by day and am a craft-a-holic by night. My indulgence of choice is cross stitch (and ice cream!) but I like to try my hand at just about anything. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. I work for a local government as a Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist - basically I get paid to play with maps all day. I live in a teeny tiny little town called East New Market with my boyfriend, Jeremy, our Frenchie, Louis, and our cat, Boh Kitty. Life is good. Our newest passion is building, from scratch, our very first teardrop trailer. Follow our journey!